QLD - Medical Aids Subsidy Scheme (MASS)
MASS will supply a subsidised amount of continence aids every 6 months, or every 12 months.
Summary Of Eligibility
- Be a permanent resident of Queensland
- Have a permanent or stable condition or disability
- Hold a pensioner concession card, health care card or Queensland Government Seniors Card
- You will need to be assessed by a health care professional
For Full Details And How To Apply
- Go to MASS website or call 1300 443 570
- You can receive MASS funding in addition to CAPS
- You can only purchase product which are on the approved MASS scheme
NSW - Enable
The Enable NSW program is for people with chronic health conditions or disability and is designed to assist with mobility, and self-care.
Summary Of Eligibility
- Go to NSW Enable eligible indicator
- You have moderate to severe incontinence or bladder or bowel dysfunction
- Your continence care needs are greater than would be covered by Continence Aids Payment Scheme (CAPS) funding.
For Full Details And How To Apply
Go to Enable website or call 1800 362 253
VIC - State Wide Equipment Program (SWEP)
Does not fund disposable pads but does fund washable bed pads and mats see Kylie (add link to kylie website)
Summary Of Eligibility
- Be a permanent resident in Victoria or
- Hold an Australian Government Visa or
- Be an Asylum seeker or
- Hold a temporary protection Visa
- Have a disability of a permanent nature or are frail aged and living at home
For Full Details And How To Apply
Go to SWEP website or call 1300 747 937
WA - Continence Management and Support Scheme (CMASS)
The Western Australian Continence Management and Support Scheme (CMASS) is a product subsidy scheme. Silver Chain delivers continence management and advice service at clinics through Western Australia. Specialist nurses provide assessment and advice on how to best manage and improve bladder or bowel conditions.
Summary Of Eligibility
- Individuals aged 16 years and older who meet CMASS eligibility
- A permanent resident of Western Australia, aged 16 years or older
- Have a defined chronic or intractable continence condition (lasting for six months or more) assessed by Silver Chain
- Hold a Pensioner Concession Card or a Health Care Card
- Not in receipt of a Commonwealth Home Care Package (Level 1 to 4) or living in a Commonwealth funded High-level residential care home
- Not in receipt of a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) plan
For Full Details And How To Apply
- To make an appointment with a specialist continence nurse, contact Silver Chain on 1300 787 055.
- Additional information, including CMAS clinic locations, is also available at silverchain.org.au
- Independence Australia on behalf of the Department of Communities provide product subsidy of up to $490 per year to assist with meeting the cost of continence products. Eligible individuals may access CMASS and the Commonwealth Continence Aids Payment Scheme (CAPS) at the same time.